Reasons to choose wordpress to build your site and basic costs if you build it yourself (domain name registration and website hosting). MORE How does Google search work? How does Google search work? What happens when you type a search query into the relevant search field of google search? MORE Dwell time: Does it affect site ranking? WHAT IS DWELL TIME and what does it have to do with Google Rankbrain?How does Google search work ? What happens when you type a search query into the relevant search field of google search? The optimization of web pages for search engines ( SEO – Search Engine Optimization ), in order to appear high in the results ranking (and when we say high we mean on the first page of google ) is now necessary.
But it would be good to know first how Google search works before we go further. Because the subject is complex, in this article we will give you an answer in two ways: A short one and a slightly longer one for those looking for something more. How Google Search Works (Short Version) LOB Directory Let's start with the short version. Watch the video below in which Matt Cutts (former head of Google's web spam team and search quality team) explains how google search works and you'll get an idea of the very basics of the search engine (to help we've added below and the transcript of the video). “I'm Matt Cutts. I'm an engineer on Google's quality team and I'd like to tell you what happens when you do a web search.

First you need to understand that when you do a Google search, you are not searching the web, but the Google web directory or what we can find from it. »This is done with programs called spiders. These retrieve some web pages, then follow those pages' links and retrieve their pages, follow all those pages' links and retrieve their pages, and so on, until we've indexed a large portion of the web. Billions of pages, stored on thousands of machines. »Let's say I want to know how fast a cheetah runs. I type cheetah running speed and hit enter. The software searches the directory for all pages that include the search terms. In this case there are hundreds of thousands of results.