READ EVERYTHING " Has technology left us speechless? Event Marketing , Digital Trends / By Ale Agostini I just returned from a business trip to Silicon Valley and I noticed an interesting new digital trend that is changing people's lives… READ EVERYTHING " ALE AGOSTINI Since 2008 I have helped over 400 managers and companies to understand, implement and make the levers of digital marketing work best, primarily Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
I contribute / have contributed to the online growth of companies Liberia Email List thrive on digital such as Booking, Rentalcars, Genertel, Springer to name a few. Several professionals I have worked with have evaluated my work on the Ale : how to get started, roles and skills required STAY UPDATED ON DIGITAL CONTENTS YouTube LinkedIn Facebook Many professionals think that the Home Page is the most important page on the site.
It is not so! The belief arises from the fact that it is believed that the customer begins browsing from the home page and moves down to the various sublevels: data in hand, if the site is well organized on the SEO side and has many pages, the home page is a gateway hub. Siloing and SEO During an SEO training held at a client I explained the concept of the silo for SEO (see image above), showing the structure of a large site.