Amazon followed in second place. Many new endings are not yet freely available, others are subject to certain restrictions. You can only register certain travel endings if you are actually a travel agent. How does Google view the new endings? Google has already officially confirmed that the new extensions will be treated the same as .CNOBI TLDs. So you have neither advantages nor disadvantages in the ranking, that was also made clear. However, with a new ending you also have to specify your geographical orientation - this also applies to .BERLIN or .BAYERN! Some time ago, Searchmetrics took a closer look at the .
BERLIN ending , and later also at all the new endings . Conclusion: The distribution is India Car Owner Phone Number List still very low, but the new endings don't seem to be that bad. I too was initially against new endings, but today I have to say that there can be scenarios for new domains - especially in the local area or in special topics (.SHOP / .HOTEL). However, with generic names, e.g. “Handbags”, there is a huge disadvantage: the owner of the .DE domain always benefits because most people are used to entering Handbags.DE instead of Handbags.SHOP. The slogan of an advertisement comes to mind: “Flights are written with UE” because the provider with “Ü” is different. Should I register keyword domains with new endings as a domainer.
Of course, some readers will think that now would be a good time to register good keyword domains with the new endings. I don't think that's a good strategy. For one thing, there are simply too many endings these days. The price difference between Keyword.DE and Keyword.COM is already very huge and at .SHOP you will probably only get good money for the absolute premium domains. In addition, some sponsors already seem to be having financial problems. And who knows whether some TLDs will disappear in the long term? As someone who registered some great .MOBI domains back in the day, I know what I'm talking about.