French and German banks. It is interpreted as a pressure maneuver by the Government on Hollande and Merkel The ban on short trading on the Spanish stock market is already achieving its first results: diverting speculator attacks towards French and German banks. In the banking sector, the movement is interpreted as a pressure maneuver by the Government on François Hollande and Angela Merkel.As El Confidencial Digital has learned from financial sources, the veto on shorts in Spain and Italy is harshly punishing the banking sector in France and Germany. German and French financial institutions own a large amount of Spanish and Italian debt , so the banks of these two countries have now become a perfect target for speculators .
Alert at the Bank of France Now, with the Ibex companies ruled out for an attack, the large French bank – BNP Paribas fell 5.5% hours after the ban on short sales , and Société Générale, 4.6% – have placed themselves in the point of view . The German Deutsche Bank also plummeted 4.5%. According to sources consulted by ECD , this Middle East Mobile Number List shift in hedge funds has raised alarm bells in France. The French central bank has asked its country's financial entities to exercise extreme caution with Spain. The same has happened in Germany . Government pressure maneuver The financial sources, to which ECD has had access , interpret the movement as a “pressure maneuver” by the Government towards the European authorities so that they provide an immediate solution to the debt crisis that is hitting Spain hard.

It is believed that placing the German and French banks in the center of the target could provoke a reaction from the leaders of both countries to get Spain out of 'asphyxiation' . Thus, the Government of Mariano Rajoy can get the support of the Frenchman François Hollande to also reach out to the Italian Mario Monti and make itself heard in Brussels. exp-player-logo The first national wheelchair soccer league starts today in Cantabria A movement is also being sought from the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel , who flatly refuses to provide liquidity to Spain through the ECB , but who could give in to an intermediate solution in order to keep her banks away from the sights of speculators. The statements of the Deputy Secretary of Studies and Programs of the PP, Esteban González Pons .