Providing resources enlisting others and viewing
本帖最後由 Apuroos1455 於 2023-12-31 20:12 編輯As consultants and oversee multiple change projects as part of change initiatives And carried out. Kellogg Schulich Executive MBA Program. What they heard over and over again was frustration. Change projects that were cut short or stalled. Projects subject to supplier boycotts. Employees become disengaged or burned out. In "Navigating the Politics and Emotions of Change," in the summer edition of MIT Sloan Management Review, Oster and Rubotton write: Doubt, fear, and panic, if left unchecked, can take a toll on any change process. Serious destruction. Performance may also decline as angry high-performing employees leave for calmer waters. Their solution? It’s a five-step proactive process designed to help leaders identify and navigate the politics and emotions triggered by moving in a new direction. Step 1: Draw the political map. Change leaders.
Need to map the key external and internal, formal and informal stakeholders who will affect the political landscape, write Oster and Rubotton. Politics arise when stakeholders are involved to represent their interests, and change leaders need to know who is present. Step 1: Identify key influencers within each stakeholder group. are key individuals who have Job Function Email List the resources, skills, or social networks needed to win the hearts and minds of a larger group. It’s important to take the time up front to identify these key influencers, listen to their ideas, and involve them, as they play a key role in the change in a positive or negative light. Step 1: Assess influencers’ receptiveness to change.
Oster and Rubotton found that influencers play one of six roles regarding potential change in an organization: they can be a sponsor, a facilitator, an aloof fence-sitter, a cautious fence-sitter, an active skeptic, or a passive skeptic commentator. Tags: Collaborative Corporate Culture More like this Today's Tough Talent and AI Challenges: Experts Speak Four Ways to Build a Culture of Honesty and Avoid Productivity Paranoia Set Ambitious But Realistic Environmental Goals Our Guide to the Winter Issue You Must Be Logged In before.