Premium customers actively monitor trends
I know of a European bank where customers can submit transaction orders on paper or over the phone they have no choice. Anyone looking to buy an asset in the market is forced to either sign an order on paper or call a trader. Although it is a large bank with a large number of assets and a large number of customers. Is it the same with Asian banks? The Asian market is becoming more and more interesting for our domestic customers. Refocusing operations in Asia has become increasingly urgent.However, there are difficulties in providing services to non-residents. For example, it is very moible number data difficult for foreigners to open an account in China. In general, the level of technology in Asia is high enough that bank offices do not matter. On the other hand, there is a similar trend for the largest players, with offline services also developing. This is because a large portion of the population is elderly and offline channels are important for them to meet face-to-face and discuss some nuances.
What is the age distribution of Russian private banks? In recent years, the trend of younger customers is obvious. I'm sure this is not only typical for Russia, it's just that the process happens faster in our country. In the bank, the average age of a customer drops by one and a half year by year and now he has reached the age of 10. Including digitalization is therefore becoming more and more important. If you don't keep pace with the times, you are likely to lose the status you have achieved., related products and services. If you don't fit the trend, customers will make a choice in favor of another bank.